Happy Earth Day 🌎

Today is Earth Day so I thought I would share with you some of the ways I try to make changes for the better in my art practice.

🌎 For every surfboard that I paint, I am working with Carbon Neutral, planting native trees here in Western Australia to carbon offset. More trees are planted if the surfboard is shipped overseas.

🌎 I try and use recycled materials to package the surfboards as well as using Flexi-Hex cardboard surfboard sleeves. These are a sustainable alternative to bubblewrap.

🌎 When I paint on a particular theme I like to donate towards an environmental project related to that theme. Currently I am donating 5% of the proceeds from my latest turtle prints to Protect Ningaloo - a charitable organisation looking after one of Australia's most important turtle breeding grounds.

🌎 Most of the boards that I use as a canvas for my artwork would have potentially ended up in landfill. Too many broken old boards are added to the tons of waste in landfill but they still have so much potential. I love that I can create something beautiful from unwanted or forgotten about surfboards.

One more board that will avoid going to landfill

By choosing to support me by following what I do, subscribing to my website, purchasing a turtle print or by commissioning a custom surfboard - you are helping to reduce the number of old surfboards that would potentially be left discarded or taken to landfill.

Thank you and let’s continue to look after this beautiful planet of ours 🌎

Claire Marie x